Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lake Merritt's 33rd Couples Relay

I was doing a walk around Lake Merritt and I came across the 33rd annual couples relay. This relay uses a team of two to run 5k each and then finished as soon as the second person crosses the finish line. It was fun to watch people cross the finish line and greeted by the family and friends, especially since the weather was definitely a lot better today than in past days. Lake Merritt in Oakland is only about 3.5 miles around depending on which route you take and with the renovations to the walkway I could only imagine that the runners had a great time. Maybe next year I’ll give it a try…
© Michael Lopez

© Michael Lopez

© Michael Lopez

“UnNoticed” a series of random Photographs that i find from my day to day activities that i find interesting that would generally go Unnoticed.

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