Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fun with Film: Intro

Fun with Film is an opportunity for me to get back to my Photography Roots. As The Digital Era has taken hold of main-stream arts, I felt that it has blinded young photographers like myself on what it takes to produce decent shots. Today, digital enthusiast can run-off hundreds of shots to capture ONE, as this may become economical and accessible to most; dark rooms now turn into computer rooms, ISO film is easily manipulated with the turn of a dial and digital turns into looking at the last shot rather than looking for the next one.

As of right now I’m considered self taught with no “formal” school training, but my influences and understating of Photography all stems from “Film” photographers who have paved the way to open our minds to how we see art. I’m thankful to appreciate the time and effort all the Photographers I follow took to produce great shots on a single roll of film. I’m not knocking on any digital photographers in any way, trust me, I love my Nikon, but theirs something about what a roll of film can produce that a digital camera can’t. Images are still images and it still takes an artistic eye to produce great shots, but I guarantee you’ll appreciate your shots when your looking at a printed contact sheet rather than 100’s of shots through your computer.

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