Friday, July 2, 2010

Bold but True..

As a Basketball fan I was lucky to grow up in the Michael Jordan ERA, even though I was a Reggie Miller Fan I was able to respect what Michael did for the game of basketball. Now in the ERA after Michael we have basketball stars fighting for their place in history. With the great Free Agency of 2010 the question is “where will the best players go?”

Young stars like Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh and Lebron James all have big decisions on their hands not just for them but also for their cities, fans and their “LEGACY.” No matter what anyone does or tries to sell them on it will all depend on the stars themselves. Do they want that big payday or want a chance at a title? Of Course they want both, but finding the right spot is hard to do. The interesting thing is everyone is trying to convince these star to come to them, but how do you that with out pushing to hard? Who do you sell a Superstar on becoming "GREAT?" I believe that if Legacy is what you dream of, these stars being just like me growing up in the Michael Jordan era has to look past the money and look at what they can leave behind. CHAMPIONSHIPS Breads LEGENDS!! These Stars if they want to be remembered 30, 20 or even 10 years after their done has to find the balance between money and leaving their careers with multiple TITLES!!!

I found this picture from Yahoo that was taken for the Chicago Tribune. Its the sales pitch to Lebron James from the fans of Chicago, trying to convince him on the opportunity to follow one of the Greats Of All Time. This picture says it all!!!

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