Friday, January 1, 2010

Random thoughts (9) "A Look Back @ '09"

When I look back at ’09 I can, for the first time in my life realize how lucky I am, to be thankful for everything I have and to appreciate everyone close to me. With the way the global economy is in, with unemployment up and health care on the verge of changing, I can honestly say I grinded this year out and made it through healthy. This is not to say I had it easy, buy no means working semi-full time, wondering if myself or my wife will keep our jobs, fighting with mandatory days off and worrying about the Swine Flu, is“easy”. But through it all I know I one of the lucky ones; I watch the news every day and read news sites about how others, less fortunate than me are doing and I think to myself “what if that was me”?

With the New Year, I owe it to myself, my wife and family/friends to start living in today and not worrying about tomorrow. No one can predict what will happen, so the only way I can ensure I’m happy, is to do what I can and let everything else go. I can’t let anything hold me down.

On a brighter note, looking back at ’09 as an amateur photographer, ‘09 has opened the doors to my photo future. I was able to learn from a great teacher, I got inspiration from attending my first gallery and started on my first of soon to be many photo projects. ’09 also was a step in the right direction as I was able to produce some of my best shots to date and found a new joy in photography: WEDDINGS. I got 3 wedding under my belt for ‘09 and I’m doing all my research on becoming a better Wedding/Portrait Photographer.

My goals for 2010 are high, as my ambition has driven me mad to ensure I get better in all aspects of Photography. I want to shoot another 3 weddings and hopefully do one as the main photographer (I’ve been the secondary for my first 3). I would love to start & finish the 3 personal projects I have on paper, produce more shots and my main goal as a photographer is to start my own website.

I can only hope that this time next year I can write about how great O-10 was, how I accomplish my goals, how I’m happy were I am with my family and friends and not compare it the ’09 grind.


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