Sunday, January 24, 2010

Random thoughts (11) "Once a Year"

Every year, I know I’m going to get hit by 1 big FLU-BUG and maybe if I’m lucky (unlucky) an additional 1 or 2 small 24-48 hour colds. Most of the time the big bug hits me around October or November, but this time I got it in the first week of January?!? It started with a sore throat that lasted about 2-3 days, then came the vicious cough that lasted for 4-5 days and after a while caused me to be light headed and really fatigued. Now if you ever had a really bad cough you know how bad it can make you feel. I started to think I was getting better when all of sudden my symptoms turned for the worst, I developed a slight fever, loss of appetite and the 1 symptom I hate the most: HEAD CONGESTION. I felt that my body left the faucet on in my nose and it just wouldn’t stop. As much as my nose was running I felt I couldn’t breath and no matter how much I blew my nose, I just couldn’t feel better. This cold/flu is one of the worst ones I’ve had to date, a couple of days ago I was at work and realized that I had gone through a large bottle of OJ and 2 boxes of tissue with no end in sight.
Generally when I get sick I don’t have the cough or the symptoms to restrict me from doing the things I “want” to do, but this time all I wanted to do was sleep! I ended up having to push back a lot of things I wanted to start this year: Photo Projects, Gym Time, Flag Football Games, Watching the NFL Playoffs and of course updating my Blog with Pics & My Random Thoughts. I’m happy to be feeling a lot better so I can continue my pursuit of making this year better than ever. I can only hope that with my Yearly visitor making an early appearance that it doesn’t decide to come by and make another visit this year. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!!!

© Michael Lopez

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