Friday, September 25, 2009

Thru My Eyes ; Intro

I got the idea “Thru my eyes” from one of my influence and teachers, Stella Kalaw. On Stella’s website/blog she has a running collection of Photographs she calls her “WANDERING” collection. Her Idea behind this wonderful collection is:

As I continue to learn I decided that I would follow suit and start my own running collection of Photographs that would show the world “Thru my eyes.” My intentions of this collection is to grow as a photographer by having a camera a part of me just like my keys, wallet and cell phone. I hope that these series of shots will add to my collection of interesting pictures.
I’m also hoping that this collection will help me take more controlled, precise shots as I intend to keep this collection post-process free and show my versatility in taking “true” shots. This collection has my attention of rivaling “THE COLLECTION” which is my series of Favorite Pictures that I “may” have post-processed or spent hours on in making sure they look their best.

I hope you enjoy this series, as I know I will when taking these shots.

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