Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random thoughts (2) "Percy Jackson Book Series"

A couple of months ago I was looking for a new book to read, when a good friend of mine recommend the Percy Jackson Series. At first I was a little skeptical about reading a book for teenagers, but as I read reviews and the background on what the series was about, I was fascinated about what it had to offer, but I still wasn’t completely sold. I waited a little bit longer, wanting to see if I can find anyone else that has read the series, but as I started to read review after review, my friend who happens to read a lot, including the Harry Potter and Twilight Series, pushed me a little more to just give it a try and I’m happy I did.

The Percy Jackson is a NY time’s #1 Best Selling 5 part series with a small side book that takes place between books 4 and 5. The author is Rick Riordan, who also wrote NY time’s best seller “TRES NAVARRE” for adults along with several other books for adults and teenagers.
The Percy Jackson Series is about a boy in his early teens and his adventures being a “DEMIGOD” and his experiences growing up around the Greek Gods. While not getting into too much detail, the Series references several Greek Mythologies, including some of the more popular Gods like ZEUS, Poseidon and Hades as well as some Mythology not as poplar such as Atlas, Calypso and the TITANS and putting them in the modern United States.

When I discussed the series with my friend, I had him compare it to the hugely poplar Harry Potter and Twilight series (which I have not read) he best described it as having a great story line with character development put in a fast moving story line. If you like to read a series that offers that “WOW” factor as the H.P. and Twilight series but doesn’t get into the extreme story development details, than this series is for you.

All in all the P.J.S. is a great series that will capture you and show you a different twist of characters that have been talked about all over the world for Centuries. I’m also very excited to hear about the P.J.S. series following in the footsteps of Harry Potter and Twilight in joining the MOVIE arena. I can only hope that people who haven’t heard about the series will be drawn and fascinated with Rick Riordan’s creation. With this movie being released in FEB 2010, it also brings a “BACKBITER” feel; One side of the sword is a side that hopes the movie will exceed my expectations and stay true to the series and hopefully not the other side of the sword that will disappoint all true fans as the “Chronicles of Narnia” has somewhat been a disappointment. Currently the main cast is mostly new actors with a sprinkle of “A” list stars like Pierce Brosnan, Rosario Dawson and Uma Thurman playing Mythical Greek figures.

If you’re anywhere interested in a new series I promise on the “RIVER STYX” that if you give Percy a fighting chance, he will not let you down. My friend encouraged me to read this series and I’m thankful he did. I now have my wife reading about Percy after she was skeptic about the series. My wife is big fan of Nicholas Sparks’s books and absolutely loved the Twilight series; she decided to give the series a chance when she read on the author of Twilight, Stephanie Meyer’s website that the Percy Jackson series was great. My wife has just finished the 2nd book of the series and is hooked as much as I am. It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are or if you know anything about Greek Mythology. This is a fun exciting series that offers everything a great book should have: excitement, romance, suspense, drama, and tragedy. While reading this series you’ll be hooked in looking up Greek Mythology tidbits found on every page and wanting to know more and more about all the Greek Gods. This series is one of a kind as it offers a different way to look at characters that have been written, talked and shown about for centuries. Next time the Greek God “JANUS” offers you a series to read, choose wisely!

You can read Rick Riordan's BLOG or check out the Percy Jackson WEBSITE.

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