Thursday, September 24, 2009

Random thoughts (3) "Current Influences"

I just posted a bunch of pictures to my Flickr account and emailed my family and friends to take a look at them. I started to think to myself on how my own pictures look or how I felt the first time I saw them. It’s a special feeling that’s hard to describe putting out your work and knowing that you can be proud of what you have accomplished.

I’ve been studying the world of Photography for a little over a year (2008) and for the most part still feel new and overwhelmed to all the different aspects that I still haven’t learned. It’s nice to know that I’m starting to look at the world thru a “different perspective.”

A friend of mine was looking at my pictures and wanted to know who my influences were and what type of styles I like to shoot. I never really gave it much thought and now thinking about it, it’s kinda fun thinking about why I shoot the way I do.

I would like to say that I’ve always been interested in Photography, but never really thought it would be possible and economical in the film era. Now that there has been an explosion on the digital front it has open the world for amateurs like myself to learn Photography and find a new way to express themselves.

Currently, I like to shoot in two different types: one being “Still Life” and the other “Landscape.” I definitely try to take other types of shots, like “Macro” and “Portraits”, but I haven’t done the research or haven’t experimented enough to actually enjoy it.

In terms of influences, one of my big influences for “Still Life” shots is Stella Kalaw. I’ve been lucky to have her as a teacher and as a teacher she has shown me the basics and has been patient with me in my learning process as I annoy her with my daily photo questions. On top of being a tremendous help and a great teacher, Stella Kalaw’s website is a great website that has shown me that you don’t have to look too far to find great shots. A lot of her work captivates the simplicity of daily life and brings out beauty in places where you normally wouldn’t look.

For my “Landscape” shots my big influence is San Francisco’s own Ansel Adams. I’ve been interested in his pictures for as long as I can remember. I currently love going out to as many different locations as I can with a Wide-Angle and trying to create as many Landscape shots as I can. Even though I’m nowhere close, a lot of my landscape photos are trying to imitate some of the pictures that I have seen. I haven’t had a lot of success with black/white pictures, but looking at Ansel’s pictures always encourages me to use black/white filters and use them with different subjects.

Another influence in my world that I recommend to any photographer is to participate in buying photo magazines and showing pictures online. I love going into Borders or Barnes and Nobles and picking up the latest DSLR USER or DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHER magazines and reading through what other amateurs are doing and looking at their pictures with their settings. Unfortunately these two magazines are both UK based and cost $10 in the U.S., but I still believe that these magazines are well worth it and are perfect for amateurs trying to get ideas and info on how to shoot shots.

While living in the digital world, I feel that inspirations are always out there. Looking at places like magazines, books and exploring photos online is a great, but going out talking with other photographers and learning from others is the best inspiration an amateur can find.

As I expand on my abilities as a photographer, discover new artist and techniques, I won’t forget how I started, my inspirations and everyone that has encouraged me and teach me to become a better photographer today.


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