Friday, June 18, 2010

Movie Review 5: a new story

6/18 Toy Story 3 (SCORE 90/100)

After a 10plus years or so from Toy Story 2, this movie gives back to its loyal fans. I was able to watch the first two before I watch this one and it brought back the memories of how great this trilogy really is. I ended up watching the movie in 3d and even though I still felt a little woozy, the experience with 3d has been getting better.

Its great to see this series bring back all the main characters and a lot of the supporting cast. The flow of the movie was great and the story connected all 3 movies to give a nice flowing connection. Even though it’s an animated film the acting for the voice drew me in as if I was watching a non-cartoon. I highly enjoyed this film as I was a teenager when the first two came out; it was nice to see the characters grow up in this film as I have with it.

Overall this movie is probably the best movie I have seen so far this year. It offered everything you could want in a movie: Drama, romance, suspense and of course comedy. The people at Pixar open the door with Toy Story 1 and now sets the bar higher for themselves and other animation companies to produce a hit! I hope with all great trilogies that it ends with this one, yes this movie can be a tear jerker so please watch the kids…

Last 4 movie scores:

IronMan 2: 76

Kick Ass: 86
Clash of the Titans: 86
Percy Jackson "Lightning Thief": 33 Lowest score this year

I have listed below my categories of how I score a movie.
I use scores based on a numeric scale with a low score representing a bad score to high score being a good score.

Time Management (5) Visual/Sound Effects (5)
Acting (25) Story (25)
Enjoyment (30)
Wow Factor (10)

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