Monday, April 5, 2010

Random thoughts (14) "Lent-Easter"

As a Catholic when the Lent and Easter season comes around its a big deal, as it represents what Jesus means to Catholics and what he has done for all of us. Lent is the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert being tempted by Satan and traditionally it represents a time for Catholics to Fasten. As long as I can remember my family has preached giving up something that is bad for us as respect for Jesus who had to endure all the temptations from Satan. I remember being told that if Jesus can survive for 40 days than I can too. For the past couple of years I have given up items like Soda, Sweets, Fast Food and Meat, but this year I decided I was going to give up all four.

The hardest part about fasting is the accessibility of these items. I can remember being on the road, super hungry and driving by a McDonalds; wanting to order something to eat; or eating in a restaurant having to order Seafood or Veggies while looking over at someone else eating a BIGO STEAK. I’m a naturally hyper person, but when I have those moments of sluggishness, I crave for candy and ice cream. Giving up Sweets is also super hard because in my office I can always count on some form of Sweets to be left near me on a weekly basis. But once I get into a rhythm and scheduled out what I can eat on what days it became second nature. I try to tell myself “I don’t need it” or I try not to look at them when their around.

The funny thing is that now that lent is over I don’t crave all that bad food, to me it feels like I’ve condition myself not to consume any of these items. I’m proud that I still haven’t had McDonalds and for the most part haven’t binged out on junk food. I hope that next year I can give up a little more and survive.

But who can really give this stuff up for more than 40 days?

My Lunch on Easter Sunday:

© Michael Lopez

And my treat for making it through this LENT:

© Michael Lopez


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