Saturday, April 3, 2010

Movie Review 3: will the real Perseus please stand up.

4/2 Clash of the Titans (SCORE 86/100)

This movie was a remake of the 1980 version. Even though I don’t remember too much of the first one, I was still able to appreciate a good EPIC. The story used great Greek mythology while telling its own tale. It was fast, action packed and it didn’t leave any plot holes. One of the things that WOW’ED me was the natural landscapes that they shot at. It really brought out some great shots and knowing not a lot of CG was used made me appreciate the movie that much more. I thought that acting was good and it starting to show that Sam Worthington is becoming the next big action star. I would defiantly recommend this movie to anyone that likes Greek Mythology or wanting to watch a good Epic Film.

Alice in Wonder Land: 70
Percy Jackson "Lightning Thief": 33
Edge of Darkness: 56

I have listed my categories of how I score movies below. I use scores based on a numeric scale with a low score representing a bad score to high score being a good score.

Time Management (5)
Visual/Sound Effects (5)
Acting (25)
Story (25)Enjoyment (30)
Wow Factor (10)

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