Saturday, January 29, 2011

Golf: On the cover

I was at the Kinokuniya Book store in Japan town in San Francisco looking around and I stumbled upon a stack of these magazines. As a Phil Mickelson Fan I couldn’t help but appreciate that he was on a cover of a Japanese golf magazine. The only problem was, the only words in English was Phil Mickelson and golf…

Saturday, January 22, 2011

UnNoticed: 22 "See you next Xmas"

"UnNoticed" a series of random Photographs that i find from my day to day activities that i find interesting that would generally go Unnoticed.

© Michael Lopez

Sunday, January 16, 2011

UnNoticed: 21

HOP on HOP off Bus stop in front of Pier 39.

San Francisco, Ca
© Michael Lopez

Friday, January 14, 2011

A new member to my Photo Family!!!

Like most photographers who are always on the go, i struggled with having to carry my DSLR around to take shots. I've waited and saved up for a professional level "Point/Click" to be able to keep a great camera next to me. I'm very excited to learn and play with my new NIKON P7000. I got the camera on as they don't charge for sales tax and most of the time have free shipping!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

C/S: Photo Book: “Jetlag and Alcohol”

Jetlag and Alcohol by Morten Andersen was selected as one of the best books of 2009. It has over 150 images ranging for portraits, scneariy and some abstract shots. These images were taken in New York City from 1990 - 1991. It tells you a story of what it would feel like being Jetlaged and Drunk in NYC at night...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

UnNoticed: 20

Japanese Sweets

Minamoto Kitchoan, San Francisco Ca

© Michael Lopez